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Finding Your Way Out of ā€œIā€™M JUST Aā€¦ā€

Oct 08, 2021

Simone inspired me this week. Do you ever struggle with beating yourself up? Self-criticism. Getting upset at your faults. And not feeling like you are good enough. Well, Simone changes all that up. She, like each of us, has a story. And I guarantee you will be inspired and encouraged after you listen to her interview.

We are our worst critics. But, we don’t have to stay that way. Simone helped me this week think about my life, and the story of my life, and realize my story could help inspire and encourage another. I have felt like I couldn’t share my story. No one would want to hear it. No one would really understand it. But, after talking with Simone, I started to hear a voice crying out to hear my story. And since this interview, I’ve started thinking about writing it. 

Simone says, “Share Your Story...Encourage Those Around You...Motivate...Inspire...Give. In Doing So, You Change the World.”

Simone Knego leads an extraordinary life, wife to a neurosurgeon and mother to 6 children, one who has autism and 3 dogs. With her larger than life personality and fearless attitude she splits her time between her family, businesses and personal growth. She is a powerful force for good. In her new best-selling book that came out in Sept. 2020, “The Extraordinary UnOrdinary You” - she shares her journey of adopting 3 of her children from Ethiopia and South Korea, climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro to raise cancer awareness, and all of the funny, inspiring and scary stories that came along the way.

She was an elementary school teacher, CPA, entrepreneur, author, and now a keynote speaker. 

She tells us what transpired from one day sitting in an audience listening to a speaker on the stage and thinking, “I could never do that! I’ll never be them”. 

If you feel like, “I wake up every day feeling like I’m going through the motions. Nothing I do is making an impact on anyone.” She’s got the answer for you!

Simone says, “By sharing your story, you can motivate and encourage those around you--and in doing so, change the world.” She shares with us what is hindering us from going out there and sharing our story.

You can follow Simone at:

Instagram - authorsimoneknego

Facebook - @UnOrdinaryYou 






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